Meditation Instructions
Relax, Read and Unwind
This practice uses a quantum-sound matrix to gently stimulate the brain during and after listening. Relax and trust the process—these sounds support you even in sleep.
Over time, stress can suppress memory. By meditating regularly, you can create space for clarity and restoration. You are on the right path. Let go, breathe, and allow your mind to open.
Let go of yourself, trust your body, Start meditating in a state of love and readiness for complete healing of your body and mind. Take a comfortable position for you, so that nothing disturbs you or distracts you.
Feel yourself, your body in the position you are in now. Feel all the points of contact of the body. What points in the body are in contact with the surface you are on. Feel where the weight of the pelvis falls. Feel how gravity pulls you down. With each exhalation, ground yourself even more in your position, feeling the force of gravity. Relax your eyelids, cheeks, relax your tongue. Lower your shoulders and let them flow gently down under the influence of gravity. Slowly transfer your attention to your palms. Feel the center of your palms. Slowly move the point of concentration lower - to the pelvic floor. Relax this area, let it sink down. Your legs are getting heavier and heavier. Transfer attention to your breathing, start observing it. How is it flowing, right now? Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Feel the waves that the breath creates in the chest, abdomen. Breathe calmly and relaxed. Feel how the waves of breath raise and lower the abdominal wall.